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The Stories
My Story
I shoot photos of people and the lives they lead.

John Altdorfer
I Shoot Stories
The Stories

An afterschool program helps girls discover their identities and goals in life. (please flip to page 4)

Dr. Sian Proctor blasted off into history as the first Black woman to pilot a spacecraft in orbit around Earth. See pages 8-9.

From the island nation of Mauritius to the Planet of the Apes, Jalil Sadool followed his dream to be an animator. See pages 18-19.

Disney movies shaped the American dreams of Alex Ho. See pages 22-23.

Whatever the playing field, the Gierlak family is on Edinboro University's A-Team. (flip to pages 26-27)

With a reputation that is growing worldwide, artist Jesse Best calls Homestead home.

Fifty years after the start of the Black Action Society, a new generation of Pitt students carries on the cause.

Chaz Kellem says he's "nothing special," but he creates an unforgettable impression. (Flip to pages 12-13)

Dr. Jodie Bryk delivers much-needed medical care to patients too ill or unable to leave their homes.